Friday, August 20, 2010

My Name is Amber and My World is Changing

I have no idea what I'm going to do when classes start. If Cindy really is getting a job, I'll be spending about 16-18 hours a week with maid duty. We clean for all the mistresses and some of their friends including guys. I never realized how much sloppier guys are than girls until I started maid duty. We've even taken on some laundry/ironing duty with Ms. Karen's boyfriend starting an internship and needing to look nice everyday.

When I'm not cleaning I'm shopping. I look at my room and see a desk filled with cosmetics, a closet filled with dresses and heels, and a drawer filled with lingerie. Still, this isn't enough. Everything I have is for summer and I need Fall clothes, but I spend an awful lot of time looking at lingerie and heels, which don't strike me as particularly Fall like. The ages of our group are spread out kind of odd. I'm the oldest and newest of the sissies while Jill is the youngest and oldest. There is talk of me having to attend two classes dressed after all. I've made my objections clear, but I'm in kind of a tough spot where if I don't succeed I embarrass myself and if I do succeed I get put in embarrassing situations.

On the other hand, things with Ms. Susan are going very well. I think she finally trusts me again, but it is definitely a challenge when your girlfriend becomes your mistress.


  1. Tell us more about what you feel when your girlfriend is your mistress. That sounds very

  2. Amber,
    you should be thankful for your training. The way young women are asserting themselves nowadays, it’s not unlikely you’ll end up in a wife led marriage where your domestic skills will prove extremely useful. Not all Mistresses are as kind and forgiving as those you have now, there may well be deer consequences to pay if your service is not up to par.
    So maybe instead of whining you should ask to be trained in the fine arts of cooking, washing dishes and serving at your Mistresses’ table as well. These skills are not easier to learn when you’re older, I can tell by experience.
