Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years

Well if you guessed the legs on the girls' homepage were mine, you were right. I had an OK time. It is still weird when Susan and I double date. The guy I was with was a gentleman who didn't get grabby at all. I found out only later that he knew I was a guy all along. It would have made the evening less nerve wracking as I had a really low cut dress and I was worried about wondering hands. There was a deep kiss at midnight as well as one when we said goodnight. Being kissed by a guy is weird. It was obviously something expected at midnight, but freshening up your lipstick and then seeing it on his lips is unsettling if you think of yourself as a straight guy.


  1. If Susan had a date, didn't that make you jealous?
    Pretty dress by the way. I loved the picture of you running. Really cute!


  2. I would love to see a picture of you giving your guy a little sugar.

  3. Just wanted to tell you, You look GREAT! Being that you're a straight guy, and I'm a straight guy, I still wanted to tell you that You have great legs. Miss Susan is a lucky girl. I'm glad that your relationship with Miss Susan is doing so much better since she put you into panties. I was wondering if your sister went shopping with Miss Susan and Amber? You did say she saw you in a dress. Lgb

  4. Very very very nice Amber!!! I must say you are HOT and you must be finding it natural being Amber as it shows in the photos. I would Love to see a shot of you and Susan together. And some vids would be great too. Really Love the choice of dress and shoes and just to say, if only I knew you and Susan better.

  5. did you enjoy kissing a guy while being the girl?

  6. Wow! Very nice! Natural and colourful. You really are stunning Amber. Beautiful start to the new year. It would be great to see a picture of you and Susan together on a double date.

  7. Amber,

    Here is a tricky question. Your date knew you were a guy, but wanted to kiss you anyway. Does that actually make it better than having a straight guy think you are a girl he wants to kiss?


  8. Nervous with the new year and no leader Jill, less updates for us fans.

  9. Your legs are nice, sweetie, but no hose? They let you get away with that? Tsk, tsk :)It must not be very cold where you are :)

  10. Hey so Lovely Amber, where you at? Missing you like crazy! Stay cute, natural, beautiful and in touch. Hope to see you with Susan some time.

    - SKB
